
5 Myths About Manual Lifting


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on June 16, 2023

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Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are the leading cause of injury in the health care field. These injuries occur in large part due to overexertion related to repeated manual patient-handling activities, often involving heavy manual lifting associated with transferring and repositioning patients and working in extremely awkward postures.

Some examples of patient-handling tasks that may be  identified as high-risk include: transferring from toilet to  chair, transferring from chair to bed, transferring from  bathtub to chair, repositioning from side to side in bed,  lifting a patient in bed, repositioning a patient in a chair,  or making a bed with a patient in it.

The consequences of work-related musculoskeletal  injuries are substantial. Along with medical expenses,  disability compensation, and litigation, these injuries are  costly in terms of chronic pain and functional disability,  absenteeism, and turnover. As many as 20% of nurses  who leave direct patient care positions do so because of  risks associated with the work. In addition, healthcare  employees who experience pain and fatigue may be less  productive, less attentive, more susceptible to further  injury, and may also be more likely to negatively affect  the health and safety of others.

The good news is that work-related MSDs can be  prevented. Safe patient handling programs reduce the  risk of injury for both health care workers and patients  while improving the quality of patient care. One of the  challenges that employers face when implementing a  safe patient handling program is overcoming deeply ingrained misconceptions about patient handling practices. To help you separate fact from fiction, take a  look at some of the common myths surrounding manual  lifting:

Myth #1: Mechanical lifting is not as safe and  comfortable for patients as manual lifting.

Reality: Once patients realize the ease and comfort of  modern mechanical lifts, they will be more likely to  accept them. Mechanical lifts are safer for both patients  and health care workers.

Myth #2: Training and use of proper body mechanics  (including the use of back belts) is effective in preventing  job-related injuries. 

Reality: Research shows that relying on “proper” body  mechanics (including the use of back belts) is not, by  itself, an effective way to reduce injuries. There is no  such thing as safe manual lifting of a patient.

Myth #3: You don’t need to worry about patient handling injuries if your workers are healthy and have  never had problems. 

Reality: Manual lifting can cause micro-injuries to the  spine. Although workers may not feel the effects  immediately, cumulative micro-injuries can result in a  debilitating injury. Experts recommend that lifts be  limited to 35 pounds or less. Good health and strength  may actually put workers at increased risk because their  peers are much more likely to seek their assistance when  manually lifting patients.

Myth #4: It is much faster to manually move patients.

Reality: If equipment is located conveniently, accessing it  will not take a long time. It is often more time-consuming  to round up a team of workers to manually lift a patient  than to get safe patient handling equipment.

Myth #5: Manual lifting is less expensive than mechanical  lifting. 

Reality: Costs associated with back injuries in the health  care industry are estimated to be $20 billion every year.  Research shows that the use of assistive technology, such  as mechanical lifts, reduces injuries to workers and  lowers costs associated with workers’ compensation, lost  productivity and employee turnover.

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