on March 27, 2023
Covid-19 has been levied as a curse upon us and no part of the world has escaped its raft. Many businesses have gone bankrupt and even countries with strong economies are suffering due to it. Setting up a business takes a lot of hard work and dedication is required towards it. Especially steering your business through these tough and challenging times. The world is a cruel place is what we have heard all our lives and with coronavirus in the context, sadly cybercriminals have emerged and made an opportunity for themselves out of all of this. These criminals that with the use of technology have found loopholes and ways to exploit the weak furthermore in this pandemic. According to data published, cybercriminals have tripled their phishing attacks since the beginning of the year 2020.
Cyber-attacks can occur in multiple ways and are a risk to everyone. If we look at the past, the Equifax credit office was the worst-hit company from these attacks as the cyber-criminals exposed the data of companies and personal information affecting up to 145 million in the year 2017. This cyber-attack had cost the company $700 million in repairs and legal lawsuits. If we take a look at the statistics provided by the Insurance Information Institute and J.D. in the year 2018, we see that the small companies in the United States are the most targeted by these cyber-criminals. If we look at it in numbers, around 1 in every 10 companies are attacked and 31% of companies have cyber insurance. Such breaches reported a cost of $188,400. In addition, half of the confirmed data breaches target small businesses, and 60 percent of those breaches fail within six months. These forms of attacks on small companies will vary from compromised email accounts to illegal bank transactions and credit card fraud to infringements on personal details and identity theft
I.I.I. CEO Sean Kevelighan said & “Learning the dangers of a company and taking appropriate care ensures a small business will invest more time charting its success relative to reacting to unexpected crises. In particular, the growing threat of cyber intrusion is growing rapidly on small businesses.”
FIRST-PARTY COVERAGE (covers your non-legal costs):
THIRD-PARTY COVERAGE (pays others if you have legal costs):
Most likely, you do. As the number of applications, devices, etc. increases, an organization becomes more vulnerable to attacks. Just like businesses insure against business problems, natural disasters, and physical risks, they need insurance coverage for cyber risks as well.
If a costly breach occurs, your company may not have the resources on hand to combat these issues or recuperate losses. Cyber insurance can provide support, so these attacks do not cripple your business.
If your business is on a small scale, then it's a more likely target for hackers. Small businesses are more prone to attacks as they have less security against cyber-attacks. According to the Verizon 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report, 43% of all cyberattacks and data breaches target small businesses.
More Stats related to Cybercrime
All these stats are rising up, because, with the growing technology, hacking and data breaching has become an easy way out. Unlike big established companies, small businesses are less likely to have poured time, money, and energy into state-of-the-art defenses. Only 10% use any data protection at all. And because they are also less likely to have Cyber insurance or extra cash to burn, they take a disproportionate financial hit too. Unfortunately, 60% of small businesses that experience an attack go out of business within six months.
Businesses who can't afford cyber insurance can afford an add on which is designed for small businesses.
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